Saturday, August 8, 2015

The backpack and butterfly notebook

It has been a while since I last blogged. I turned 30 on August 6th. One of the gifts my friend Jenn Oler got me was a butterfly notebook. My boyfriend Scott got me a backpack designed to hold two liters of water for my running. As the two items lay in the kitchen I can't help but think about how both of those things have a major impact on my life. I have been keeping notebooks since I read the book Harriet the Spy in fifth grade. Every time I look at the backpack I can't help but think about how I went from weighing 248 pounds to 122 pounds, and I am currently training to run my first marathon in December.
I feel like I should have everything figured out now that I am no longer in my twenties, but I don't. I live with Scott because my mom doesn't approve of my relationship with Scott,and and she doesn't talk to me anymore. The last time I saw a friend before my birthday was when  I helped my Laura with her costume for San Japan, the annual anime convention here in San Antonio. Scott trains people at the gym more or less around the same time during the week and takes the weekends off so he can listen to his favorite cover bands. I don't have a consistent work schedule, and have to be avalible on weekends.So, Scott and I are always trying to figure out how late we should stay out on the weekends.  Scott says I am not boring, but as much as he says that, I still feel like I am ruining his fun because I can't always stay out like he can.
 As my birthday weekend rolls to an end, and my presents lay in the kitchen, I couldn't help but think-  not too long after I got out of school, I moved back to to Texas, and started working on my weight. Now that the weight is off, maybe it's time to make sure I am making time for all the things I love.
So, as a way to bring balance back to the force, I am going to start blogging twice a week about running/working out, or whatever is on my mind. After all the backpack and notebook have both had an impact on my life.

1 comment:

  1. I'd love to say you'll always have the right answers and the struggle for finding balance won't always be hard, that's not true. We all struggle at someway or another through our journey. And as long as your happy with your choices at the end that's all that matters.
