Thursday, March 30, 2017

Mother/Daughter CPR and first aid

Happy Thursday everyone!
Today I ended up going to a CPR/First aid class for USAFit with my mom from 10-4.
I thought other people where going to be in the class, but it just turned out to be my mom and I there today. So, it was like having a private session, more or less.
We watched videos on how to give CPR to an adult, kid, and infant. Then we also learned how to give first aid in certain situations, and did a little bit of hands on practicing.  It was a little long, and we where hungry afterward, but we have our certification now. (Yeah! :0)) Now all I need is to pass a certification test, and I will able to be an assistant coach for USAFit in the upcoming season.  We will see how all that goes. Now, it is time to settle in for the evening.  I have Netflix on-, so life is good, and I am looking forward to more upcoming adventures.
Love you all

Tuesday, March 28, 2017

You give me fever...

Well, I guess they don't call it spring fever for nothing. Sunday I ended up staying home because I got a fever the night before. When I wasn't sleeping, I was watching "Charmed " on Netflix. So if nothing else being sick was just a way for me  to catch up with the "power of three."
Mom got to go biking and see "Beauty and the Beast" in theaters with a friend.   Life is fair , right?
Today was a quiet day.  I went to the grocery store,  cleaned my bathroom, and got some of my bedroom cleaned, and went to the gym.  (Yeah for the little things!)
Soon USAFit San Antonio will officially be in full swing. I am looking forward to getting back to running on a regular basis, because I know with work sometimes I don't always get to run or work out as much as I like. (The struggle is real.)  I still feel like I am working on that balance because  I either have to wake up really early before work to get anything done now, unless I am off, or I know I won't be able do. I try to do what I can, when I can, after all that's all you can do right, but this will help keep me motivated.
Once my immune system is back to normal, that is. 
Love you all,

Thursday, March 23, 2017

A new season is coming..

Spring is now in the air. In San Antonio  that means time for 80 degree weather.
Monday night, Laura and I got to catch up with a couple of friends visiting from out of town. Aside from that, it has been back to work, and I am off today.
After mom got off work,  we went to Chilis with some people in our running group to talk about the upcoming marathon season. Last year it ended up being a small but good group of people.  This year we are hoping to grow as a group. So if you have a race to prepare for, let me know.
If there is anyone who will make sure you are prepared for a race it's my mom.
We may not see eye to eye all the time. But,  as long as she knows you are doing your part, she will help you however you can. 
As the organizers daughter, I am involved as well.  But, I still feel more like I am an unofficial part of USAFit San Antonio. After all, runners pay for mom and her friend Stephen to help prepare them for races. I am just there, pretending like I know what I am doing. *hehe* By December when we have our Rock N Roll marathon here in San Antonio, I have most of everything figured out.
But, if there is one thing doing marathons and half marathons have taught me is I can go the distance and commit when I want to. It's nice to know I am in a position where I will be helping others go the distance as well. I truly believe if I can, anyone can.
Love you all,

Sunday, March 19, 2017

Random week..

Hello everyone!
Apologies for not writing until now. Thursday I was under the weather, so pretty much I was resting the rest of the week. Really, the only time I managed to put myself together was when I knew I had to,  like when the people delivering  our new refrigerator came over Friday, and for going out to see the live action version of "Beauty and the Beast."   I loved seeing the backstory to the main characters, and getting lost in a tale as old as time again.  It will always and forever be my favorite Disney movie.  I hope Belle has helped me the inner beauty in all my friends and loved ones throughout the years. After being every pant size between a 24 and a 2, I can honestly say yes looks do count for something but they are not everything. It's still what is in your heart that really counts.
Today I ended up at the Alamo 13.1.  It was a warm, but nice day.  The one thing that stuck out in my mind was what Irene said today about the Alamo. People come from all over the world to see the Alamo. But,  we don't always see it as something special  because we live there . It reminded me that the last time I did touristy stuff around around San Antonio was when my friend Melanie came to visit me from Washington state, unless you count me working events since my old job took me to things like Spurs games, and the Poteet Strawberry Festival.
So, every now and then don't forget to see what your city has to offer , because every city is unique, and beautiful.
Love you all.

Sunday, March 12, 2017

Late Sunday night blog

Happy Sunday everyone!
Well another weekend  has came and went. I ran three miles with my running group, worked, and  then I had to work until 6:30.  Today I worked from 9-6.
Now I am just settling in for the night.   Things are coming along slowly..  I am watching "The Martian." It is about an astronaut that  gets left for dead on a mission to Mars, and the quest to finally bring him back home to Earth. I read the book on the plane ride back home  last time I went to Tacoma, and I wanted to see what they did with the movie, finally. I I like what it says about humanity; that when push comes to shove we don't leave anyone behind, like when a hiker gets lost we do what we can to find  them. In this movie a group of astronauts give up another year of their lives to save their crew member  Mark Watney, who became stranded on the red planet.   There where things I liked about the movie and the book. In the book, I loved reading the communication between Mark and NASA.  But, I loved seeing Mark being rescued in the film. Yeah! One huge step for mankind.:0) It reminded me that I am lucky to have people in my life that never leave me behind , even when I tell them go. My mom always makes sure I am ok, no matter how grumpy I get.  When I run with our USAFit friends we always wait for each other to finish before taking off, no matter what kind of a mood I am in, or how slow I run.
As the workweek continues, I am just reminding myself next weekend is going to be awesome.  My favorite movie is coming out in theaters, and I will be running the Alamo 13.1, another half marathon because I am only half as crazy right now. :0)
Anyway, have a good work week everyone.
Love you all.

Friday, March 10, 2017

Still working on that balancing act....

What a random week. I was supposed to be off  Wednesday, but I ended up  having to go into work. Today I ended up getting to leave work at noon, so after I got home, and had lunch, I ended up just sleeping the rest of the afternoon. Now, I am just watching "Under The Tuscan Sun." Yes, I know that I have watched it a million times before. But, I love just seeing the Italian countryside. Plus, I like the message in the movie- prepare for the life you want.  Francis says she wants people to cook for , a wedding and a family. By working on the old house she bought in Tuscany after her divorce, she got that.
It is a definite reminder I am still figuring out what kind of life I want.  I know I want to always be able to travel, workout, write, ect.  I know I tend to get caught up in what I need to get done, and I forget about making room for other things .  Plus, I can very well tell that  I am still in hiding. I don't mean literally hiding. But I can tell I use work, and everything else as an excuse to stay where I am right now.  I am just hoping I will eventually be the girl without the really good excuse.  I know what kind of person I can be when I am not like this, but it takes me forever and a day to get past this point. Or, have I just not met the right person yet? I would like to think when you meet the right person the excuses will just go away. But, I know relationships take effort with both parties involved, and I do eventually want a relationship, along with everything else in my life. I just hope I get this balancing act figured out one of these days.
Love you all

Sunday, March 5, 2017

This is why you never want me to do the grocery shopping...

It's the first Sunday in March.
After  I ran with  my running group Saturday, it seemed to rain off and on most of the day.  Today after the gym I ended up going to Walmart so I had some food to pack for my lunch this coming week.   On top of buying oranges, strawberries, and chicken I ended up buying 5 boxes of Girl Scout cookies. I am a sucker, I know, and this isn't the first time I've done something like that. Last time I was with my friend Carrie, I ended up buying more clothes for work and working out, just because. Plus, I don't know what it is, but you can't say no to them when they are out there selling cookies. So if you need some girl scout cookies, well if you know me, you know where to find me.*hehe*
Love you all,

Friday, March 3, 2017

Musical Night

Tonight "all the world's a stage."
I ended up putting the musical "Chicago" on Netflix.  If there is one musical I can watch over and over again it's that.  I love how the whole movie is a big metaphor for life's a stage.  The concept is the main charecter Roxie Hart  wants to be an actress so she sees her life as a show . The movie transitions between fantasy and reality as Roxie is put on trial for murder, which Roxie realizes she can use to get what she wants- to be onstage. 
After that, I put on a tale as old as time "Beauty and the Beast." I put it in right now the movie I can not wait to see is the live action version of  "Beauty and the Beast." I am really excited to see what Emma Watson did with the part of Belle. "Beauty and the Beast"  has been my favorite Disney movie since it came out in 1991. (I don't have a problem , do I ?)
I love it because it is the most complex of the fairy tales. Instead of the typical boy meets girl, they fall in love instantly and then there is some sort of obstacle  they have to overcome before they can be together, Belle  doesn't want to be with the Beast at all in the beginning. It's not until later on in the movie that Belle and the Beast develop a friendship, and then ultimately a romance.
I can relate because even today my mom can tell you like Belle, I always have my head in the clouds. Plus, the townspeople say it's ironic the fact that Belle's name means beauty. I find it ironic my name, Donna means lady. I still wonder if I live up to that name.
I know I am still  a big kid for the most part. I am still waiting for my acceptance letter to go to Hogwarts.  I am not motivated to clean until I need to, and I drink way too much coffee.
If I don't live up to it now, I hope I do someday.
Love you all

Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Making the bed you sleep in

Happy Wednesday everyone!
So far the week has been the usual- back to work. Today I got some clothes put away since I really didn't on Sunday or Monday, or Tuesday. ( I know I sound ambitious.) But Sunday I crashed literally as soon as I got home, and then Monday and Tuesday it was back to work.    Lately I have began to wonder about choices.  I have wondered where I would be if I went to college in Texas instead of in Washington.  I've wondered what other choices I could have made differently and where I would be now if I made those choices.  I do wish we had a way we could go back in time once in a while. After high school and college, life gets nothing but more complicated- darn reality.
My mom constantly reminds me that we reap what we sew. I understand, but at the same time I wish that saying could make an exception in my case.  I am just going along this road call life as I go along just like everyone else. Plus, I know I have made alot of mistakes. I can only hope I have done a few things right. Besides,we don't always know how things are going to pan out in the future.
 But while we don't always know how things will turn out,  we can do is the best with the cards we are dealt. After all like they say in Avenue Q , everything good and bad in life is only "for now."