Monday, November 30, 2015

Something worth running for...

At this point next week, I will have at least tried to run my first full marathon. As race day gets closer, I wish I could say I decided fully on my own to lose weight, and start trying to run.  But, really it was my mom.  My mom was the one who got me going to the gym when I was 248 pounds . I ran my first half marathon because it was supposed to be a belated birthday present for my mom .
As the runs became longer, I've wondered why I signed up for such a task, instead of just running to keep in shape, or working on my time running a half marathon. I know Scott would have supported me no matter what I decided to do, and he really is the only reason I am still running. I've told him several times, even within the past 48 hours I don't HAVE to run, but he doesn't want me to be a quitter.
 My mom really is the one known for running, and to me no one will love running, or run faster than her. (To me the reason she's not even faster than she is right now is she's Filipino, not Kenyian. Haha  .) But I guess I signed up and paid to run a full marathon to see if I can go the distance as well. Before a few years ago, I was known for alot of things, but fitness wasn't one of them. I was a 2x ,  size 24 jeans, and was usually one of the biggest girls in my group of friends. I still remember eating a whole medium meat lovers pizza by myself before several times. I remember getting large  10 piece chicken nuggets, fries and coke from McDonalds whenI did product demonstrations in Walmart every weekend before I moved to Texas just because it was there, and that's not including what else I would eat that day.  I could go through a 2 liter bottle of coke in a day. I didn't exercise either. I don't know why. I guess I liked just eating what I wanted, when I wanted and didn't care too much about my waistline ,or health at the time.  But, as much as my mom was definitely the one who gave the push to get started, I kept it up because it's nice to be able to not huff and puff everytime I go running- like I did before anyway.  But most of all, it's nice to not have my weight weighing me down like it did before. So this Sunday, I will run so that people know that anyone can go the distance, because if I can , really anyone can.

Thursday, November 26, 2015

Happy Thanksgiving!

The Macys Thanksgiving Day Parade is on, and pumkin pie is in the refrigerator. I have pumkin spice flavored coffee ,eggs, toast, and yogurt in my belly , so I am already a happy Donna.
Not too long ago I saw the Red Ranger balloon float through New York City. It reminded me of how when I was in fourth and fifth grade, I was really into that show. I mean I watched the show, collected the figures, cards, had the Power Ranger lunchbox, dressed up as the Pink Ranger for Halloween, and I even made myself a communicator for Halloween so I could talk to Zordon. *hehe*
I stopped watching it after they made an eleven year old the new blue ranger because to me after that it just wasn't the same as when it was the origonal six- Kimberly, Billy, Zach, Jason, Trini, and Tommy. Those where the days. *hehe*
Now I am just looking forward to eating pumkin pie later on today. I swear that is the one thing I have to have on Thanksgiving. I don't care if we have turkey or ham, or what other side dishes we have, but I have to have a piece of pumkin pie, or two, or three on Thanksgiving. *hehe*
Although I know life isn't perfect, I know I am blessed that I am in good enough shape to try and run my first full marathon really soon, I am blessed that my boss and coworkers think I can get leads, I have  family, and friends who want me to be nothing short of happy, and I have someone who always make sure I have a peanut butter and jelly sandwich to eat. *hehe*
I hope everyones Thanksgiving is full of love, and turkey, or whatever food tickles your taste buds. *hehe*
Take care everyone.

Monday, November 23, 2015

Happy Monday!

Hey everyone! Crazy morning so far.  Scott isn't feeling well so we ended up staying home instead of going to the gym like we usually do. After breakfast, and after I was done hovering around our heartsI went on a mid distance run, and I will be working the Spurs game later on tonight. (Go Spurs,Go!) *hehe* With Thanksgiving rolling in this week, I have wondered what I am thankful for. I haven't thought I had much to be thankful for this year. I know, I am just a greeter without a car. I'm always having to figure out how I  am going to get somewhere, or get home. l have felt like cancelling my gym membership, and hanging up my running shoes, to put my money toward getting my license. I don't want to , but I can tell that's where my time and energy really need to go. Scott isn't a fan of driving around town, and I know my friends can only do so much.
But I am thankful that I have someone who always makes sure the fridge is full, has got me to run even when I haven't felt like it, makes sure I have some fun on the weekends , and wants only the best for me. I am thankful to have a boss, and coworkers who think I work hard, and I am thankful for friends who have been nothing short of understanding this past year with everything that's happened.
I hope everyone has a wonderful Thanksgiving. Gobble gobble!

Sunday, November 22, 2015

weekend blog

Hello! How is everyone?
I am just resting after work. *hehe* Friday after the gym, I had to go to the Henry B Gonzalez Center for the truck and auto show. It was cool seeing all the different cars. But last night , they clearly didn't have the amount of people they where expecting, so I got to go home early. But afterwards Scott, Jason, Scotts client DeAnna and I went to Jims and chatted for a little bit. While waiting for Scott and Jason to show up, DeAnna and I talked about how men are creatures of habit because Scott likes going to Jims to eat, and the person she helps take care of has a routine he likes too.  It got me to thinking, we're all creatures of habit in some way. I always shower in the evening, not in the morning because to me there's something about doing that at the end of a workday, and I keep a notebook to write my random thoughts in, and  when I am at Jims late at night I tend to get the same thing too. *hehe*
Last night was Greg, the singer of Texas Radio had his birthday tonight. I didn't  end up staying because  I was tired from working at the auto show and I am there again today all day. It made me realize I am fortunate to have someone like Scott. Yes, he likes to dance all night long with his friends, but he also understands when I need to just rest and relax too. Tonight was just one of those nights. I could have handled two sets with him but not the whole night out. We have a bunch of events going on this week, and next week, so everyone has a bunch of hours. That's better than not getting any hours at all, that' for sure. With a job that takes me around all over, it's nice to know that there's someone who'll always want to dance and go to Jims with me no matter where my work week takes me.

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Tuesday morning blog

Happy Tuesday everyone!
I hope everyone is having a good start to the beginning of their work week.  I started the week off by having the day off.  Woot woot! I started Monday off by going on a run in the muggy weather. After that , Scott and I ended up going to Dennys for lunch, and I ended up taking an hour nap after dinner. Naps are good. *hehe* It feels weird not having to go to work at the beginning of the week for once. But it's also a nice break after working 2 straight 8 hour workdays at six flags ,and before a busy work week.
Birthday cake ,and coffee is in my belly , so I am happy.
The weather here has been crazy. It was 75 degrees when Scott and I woke up, it rained while we where on our way downtown, and now it is in the fifties/sixties- only in San Antonio.

Scott and I are downtown right now because he has to do something for his company there , and he needed the GPS on my phone to find the place his meeting was at. So I am writing while he is at the meeting.  But I was promised Dennys for lunch. Oh the things I do for pancakes. *hehe*
I came across a photo someone took of me five years ago while I was at school. It defintiely reminds me of how crazy these past few years have been.  I guess if there is one thing I have learned these past few years, after being every pant size between a 24 and a 2 is you have to like yourself for who you are no matter what the scale says. Ofcourse if you are consistent with diet and exercise, the pounds will drop. But self validation really is something that comes from within.

Sunday, November 15, 2015

Sunday night blog

Hello! Happy Sunday  everyone!  I  just got done with a shift at Six Flags. I am looking forward to next week more than anything. I have a Spurs game, only one mall shift, and the rest of the time I am literally at the Truck and Auto show all weekend. Woot woot! lol
That should be fun.
Thursday I went to Bodyjam class after work and my weekly staff meeting. It was nice just dancing around for an hour after a day at work, and a high impact workout the other day.
This weekend aside from work, Scott and I went to Boozehounds on Friday, but the bands there sucked so we just chatted in Jims. After work on Saturday we saw Spectre. It was a little long, but I liked how they tied it to the other James Bond movies. Now it is just time to rest , and watch the Seahawks game. I had a piece of Scotts birthday cake when I got home from work today. He said it's his kryptonie because it's too sweet for him since it's a chocolate cake with buttercream frosting. I said it was my kyrptonite because I just love sweets still! lol Anyway it was a good cake. But I am hoping some people come over and have a piece because were not going to finish the whole sheet. Other than that, I am glad that I have the next two days off. Its going to be a really busy workweek ,and after this weekend I just need to rest up a little bit before the hustle and bustle begins again. Lol
Love you all!

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

What do you do after your last long run? You go buffet..

Happy Wenesday. Today I did my last long run for the marathon. Now its time for me to taper ( slowly reduce my milage) and save my energy for race day. After that, Scott and I ended up going to china harbor for his birthday dinner. He wanted to go chinese since there was a wait at Applebees, and I needed the extra calories after my run, so there you go. *hehe*   The food was delicious, and we both got our fill.
I had wonton soup, salmom, a sesame ball, rice, mushrooms, corn, half of a roll, chicken teriyaki ,and some of the soft serve ice cream, and a piece of cheesecake. It was nice to go to a buffet, and not feel too guilty about eating like that. I still am used to worrying about eating too much , and watching what I eat because I've had to for the past few years of my life to get my weight down.  Plus, as much as I know I have come a long way, I still hear my mom cringing about my food intake when I was heavier ,and I still see myself as someone just trying to stay in shape , just like everyone else- so they can eat cheesecake once in a while.
Yeah for cheesecake! :0) Now I am resting the rest of the night.   The run was hard because it was muggy outside, add the wind to that I was running slower than usual, but somehow , I am not quite sure how yet, but I did it.  After doing the half, and training for a whole, I have to say half marathons are alot easier to train for. But , I am glad I can say I am pushing myself to at least see if I can literally go the distance.  I  think after my race my goals for afterward will be things like working on my time so I can do a half marathon in under two hours- things like that, and only do full marathons every now and again.
Now Scott is shoe shopping with his son Troy , and I have Pretty Woman now. Life is fair right? lol
On top of treating him to dinner, I also got him literature for his birthday. I got him the book "It's Good to be Gronk" because its written by a guy on one of his favorite teams- the New England Patriots. Tomorrow I have the weekly staff meeting, and it's back to work, or pretending to work for the rest of the week. I hope everyone else is having a good week! Love you all

Saturday, November 7, 2015

weekend blog

The weekend is here yeah!  Yesterday I worked at Southpark mall, then went to Boozehounds to celebrate Scotts birthday.  His birthday is Wenesday, but his favorite cover band Texas Radio was playing. It was fun. They played all his favorite songs , and we had a good time talking at Jims afterward.
Today I ran 5 miles to take advantage of the cooler weather.  I'm taking over the t.v. while he sleeps a little more right now, I work at the UTSA game later on, and apparently we'll be going to meet up with friends later on tonight.
 I know his friends where wondering what to bring because Scott doesn't eat while he is out dancing. He'll eat before, and after, which is why we always go to Jims for food afterward. Last night his client brought popcorn and pecans for everyone who wanted to enjoy.   But , I think that goes to show, Scott is the kind of person that is just happy with your company , and knowing you're enjoying the music.

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Mid week blog

Hello! How is everyone today?  I hope everyone is having a good week. I worked at Ingram, and Southpark this week so far. It was quiet at Ingram, but it was a little better at Southpark mall, so yeah! This weekend I'll be at the UTSA game, and Six Flags. I just hope the weather cooperates. On the news they've been predicting weekend rain once again. The weekend rain these past few weeks have made me glad I have to get my long runs in during the week. (But I will only admit that on here. *hehe*)
Today I did my first twenty mile run.  I am fine, my legs are still on fire though. It feels good to know I got through another barrier though. I was suprised the first time I ran my first ten miler because it was the first time  I did a double digit run, finishing my first half, and the first time I ran a fifteen miler I started to feel more confident about finishing the marathon, and now I am starting to see the finish line.
I took a recovery nap,and  I am planning on doing nothing but resting the rest of the day. Now I can see why running a marathon is alot of hard work.  It's alot of work because you have to get your body used to the distance, and you  also have to remind myself you're capable of conquering the 26.2 as well. It's physical, it's mental, it's metaphysical! lol
Aside from that, Scott's birthday is next week, so I ordered his birthday present off yesterday. It should be delivered sometime between next week and the 27th of this month, so we'll see when it gets in. I know I am taking him out for dinner on his birthday. But aside from that, he still isn't sure what his plans are yet. I guess we will see what happens.  Anyway, now it's time for coffee, and to watch Modern Family .
Take care everyone!

Sunday, November 1, 2015

Halloween blog...

I hope everyone is having a good morning. The weather alert on my cell phone turned out to be my alarm clock on Friday morning. In case you didn't know it was raining by looking out the window. I don't mind it raining, I just don't like being out in it. *hehe* Our house didn't get flooded, but a little bit of water did get in through the windows, thank god.  I worked the Spurs game that night, so I got to see them win their first home game in the revamped at&t center. (Go Spurs Go!)
I am also thinking, damn Scott was right for having me run  on Thursday. ( But I won't admit that outloud. lol)  he he  He said I should run because they where predicting rain all weekend. So,
Thursday I literally ran, and ate. After the staff meeting, I went on a run, and then had lunch with my friends Jenn and Selma at La Madeline. It was nice to catch up with them in person.  Hopefully it's not too long between lunches.
On Halloween I worked in the morning and ended up going to Snoops later that night. I got to dress up as an evil queen, so that was fun. *he he*
Today I did a short run before I worked today and now I am relaxing for the rest of the evening. I got home right after the Seahawks played the Cowboys , and now the Broncos game is on. Today I just happy  it was nice out. I love being outdoors after it rains.  I was outside all day and I was fine. But to me I like seeing the puddles , water on the grass, and the wind in my face when the sun is starting to peak out again.  Its a definite reminder that no matter how much it pours,the sun will always come out again sooner than you think. :0)