Friday, June 30, 2017

Friday night blog

Well another week has past.  Thursday, I ended up going to Persall Park for another workout. We did stations after running up and down the hill there. Then we did a 20 minute tempo run. I still don't feel like I am all that amazing in the heat.  Today I went to sports conditioning and zumba at golds gym. Later on my mom and I ended up having dinner at the Wurzbach Icehouse.  Now I just have the live action version of Beauty and the Beast on. (Yeah!)
Anyway,  tomorrow we are running 4 miles at tobin park.I am just looking forward to when the weather will be cooler so it will at least be a little easier to run.
Blessed be all

Sunday, June 25, 2017

Sunday Night Blog

Well Saturday turned out to be a busy morning. Before the run, one of  our coaches  gave  a brief lecture about stretching then it was time to run. After the run, some of us went to Jims for a quick brunch, then mom and I went grocery shopping.  Then mom went out for speed dating. I couldn't help but think if I where the one going to one of  those things, I would be the one circling "no" on all of them, heh. After everything I still wonder if I am really ready to be out there again, heh.
 Today it was back to work. It turned out to be a fairly good and quiet day. I also  finally got thank you cards from my uncle mike to send out to everyone.
I am hoping this is the beginning of a good week.
Love you all

Thursday, June 22, 2017

The heat is on...

Well summer is in full swing here in San Antonio.
The neighborhood pool is open, and it is hot outside. 
Today since I went to the gym in the morning, got a few things done at the house, and then  it was time to go to Persall Park with the USAFIT crew. We ended up doing excercises at the stations set up, then running up the hill before going on to the next station and ended the evening with a mile jog. The hardest part of the workout was going up the hill after each exercise. I hope it helped, although tonight was a definite reminder of why it's hard to be a runner here in the summertime.  It 's hot!
I went through two water bottles at least tonight. I am just hoping the old saying is true.. what doesn't kill you makes you stronger.
Love you all

Friday, June 16, 2017

Acclimation is key...

Happy Friday everyone!
Well it has been another crazy week. I worked Sunday-Wendnesday. Thursday I ended up going to the abs and assets classes at the gym, and  then I went for a 30 minute run with USAFIT San Antonio at Eisenhauer park.  Well , ok more like me run/walking and pouring water on my head whenever I get a chance.
Today I went to sports conditioning class , and zumba. Then I went to Costco with mom and her friend Lydia. I am starting to feel like my old self again, slowly but surely.
It's just a matter of getting used to the heat, and being on the road again…
Love you all

Saturday, June 3, 2017

Running in the rain..

Well, today it was back to getting up at  5 in the morning to run. At 6:15, mom and I where at Tobin Park for the first day of USAFit San Antonio training.  Mom gave a speech , and introduced the coaches. Then, after a warm up, we ran three miles. I learned once again it will always rain when you are going to be outside for one reason or another. It started to drizzle while we where warming up, and it rained when we where running.  But of course after everyone was done running, it wasn't raining anymore. ( That is San Antonio weather for you.)  But despite the rain, it was a good turnout , and everyone seemed to be in good spirits. After that, mom, Irene , and I went to Jims for a little food and coffee. Then, it just turned out to be errand day.  Mom and I went to get the car inspected, and then we went to the post office to mail out a book for dad, and after we rested at home for a little bit, and then went grocery shopping. After dinner I went for a swim, and now I am resting for the night before my work week starts.  I am hoping this is the beginning of a good training season, and good workweek.
Love you all

Friday, June 2, 2017

Friday Night blog..

Happy Friday everyone!
Well, this week was more just getting back to my work routine.  It feels weird going back after everything.  If you know mw, you know there is one thing I am wondering about , but I know only time will answer it.
I am still thinking about what I want to do next in light of everything, and I know it is a choice only I can make.  Anyway, since I was off today I decided to go to the gym for a couple of classes  I used to go to all the time, until work kept me from going as often as I did before.
It was nice to know that the members there still remembered me , even after all this time.
Anyway, tomorrow is the first official day of training for USA Fit San Antonio.  I am looking forward to see who is with us this season. I am hoping that i will be able to somewhat get back to where I used to be last season. I can tell I am definitely not there yet. But we shall see what happens.
Love you all