Saturday, July 21, 2012

Being #1

Every Thursday, I have to go to a weekly staff meeting at 9:30 in the morning. At one of our meetings, our director said the girl who is #1 in the company is the kind of person that if she where to find out someone pulled ahead of her, she would try to get back in the lead, and stay #1. As for me I am the total opposite. I'm the kind of person that goes okay, lets do our best, and see what we can do, not I have to be the best. With that attitude, I did pretty good at one job in the company I work for. But, I am still learning how to do well at my new job there. According to Shakespeare, "all the world's a stage." If that's the case, why is it some people always need the lead role? Yes, as humans , we all want to be seen and heard. But, throughout our life, we will play many roles. Daughter, classmate, girlfriend, friend, granddaughter, wife,employee,ect. Sometimes we will be the star of the show, and sometimes we will be the person who only has one line. After all, like Miley Cyrus sings - "There's always gonna be another mountain I'm always gonna wanna make it move. Always gonna be a uphill battle Sometimes I'm gonna have to lose." Meaning, there's always going to be someone richer, smarter,prettier-ect. So maybe it's not about being number one. Maybe it's about being the best you can be.