Wednesday, November 11, 2015

What do you do after your last long run? You go buffet..

Happy Wenesday. Today I did my last long run for the marathon. Now its time for me to taper ( slowly reduce my milage) and save my energy for race day. After that, Scott and I ended up going to china harbor for his birthday dinner. He wanted to go chinese since there was a wait at Applebees, and I needed the extra calories after my run, so there you go. *hehe*   The food was delicious, and we both got our fill.
I had wonton soup, salmom, a sesame ball, rice, mushrooms, corn, half of a roll, chicken teriyaki ,and some of the soft serve ice cream, and a piece of cheesecake. It was nice to go to a buffet, and not feel too guilty about eating like that. I still am used to worrying about eating too much , and watching what I eat because I've had to for the past few years of my life to get my weight down.  Plus, as much as I know I have come a long way, I still hear my mom cringing about my food intake when I was heavier ,and I still see myself as someone just trying to stay in shape , just like everyone else- so they can eat cheesecake once in a while.
Yeah for cheesecake! :0) Now I am resting the rest of the night.   The run was hard because it was muggy outside, add the wind to that I was running slower than usual, but somehow , I am not quite sure how yet, but I did it.  After doing the half, and training for a whole, I have to say half marathons are alot easier to train for. But , I am glad I can say I am pushing myself to at least see if I can literally go the distance.  I  think after my race my goals for afterward will be things like working on my time so I can do a half marathon in under two hours- things like that, and only do full marathons every now and again.
Now Scott is shoe shopping with his son Troy , and I have Pretty Woman now. Life is fair right? lol
On top of treating him to dinner, I also got him literature for his birthday. I got him the book "It's Good to be Gronk" because its written by a guy on one of his favorite teams- the New England Patriots. Tomorrow I have the weekly staff meeting, and it's back to work, or pretending to work for the rest of the week. I hope everyone else is having a good week! Love you all

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