Sunday, December 18, 2016

Baby it's cold outside....

BBrrr good morning everyone! Only in Texas can it be 80 degrees one day, and thirty the next.  I hate the cold weather, well at least in the morning because then  I will stay under the blankets until the last possible moment I know I have to get up, pretend to be an adult, and try to get some things done.  Plus, it doesn't even snow in San Antonio really in the winter, so we get the cold air without the chance of a snow day.
 Before the  cold front came in, I ended up having lunch with my friend Debra yesterday. We went to Cracker  Barell for coffee, a good meal, and a little bit of shopping. Then it was time to get ready for the USAFIT San Antonio holiday party. We looked at the Windcrest holiday lights. The lights there were still gorgeous. But I still remember when more people participated in the lights display there. In fact I remember when a whole block would figure out a theme for all their light displays.  But it's nice to know, they still keep the tradition going and I hope they keep the tradition for years to come. Around this time of year, I love just going around and looking at the different Christmas lights people put up.
After looking at the lights, we went to Stephens house for the rest of the evening. We played Apples to Apples, talked, ate , and it didn't register to me until then that our season is over, at least for us. No one in our group is training to run the Houston, Dallas, or Austin marathon. The next race someone in our group is scheduled for is a Disney run. I am still thinking about what races I want to do next year. Like anything else it will depend on time and money. But to my running crew, I am glad I got to run with everyone of you guys.  If there is one thing I learned, it really is just to keep moving forward no matter what happens. After all, life gets you down. But you can't let it keep you down.  Plus, it's nice to know there's a group of people who know how crazy I really am and still don't mind running whatever amount of miles my mom wants us to run with me. I definitely want  there to be a USAFIT San Antonio next year.  I hope more people get the opportunity to run with us, just simply because if there is anyone who can help you prepare for a race, it is my mom .
As for me, without a race to train for right away, I have just been using this time to enjoy catching up with friends,  netflix binging, and ofcourse work.  Anyway, it is time to get ready for the day. *Yawns and stretches* Love you all, and Happy Holidays!

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