Sunday, December 6, 2020

Let the Christmas countdown begin

Well, another week has passed. At this point, I am just counting down the days until Christmas. I am  looking forward to having a little time off work, and  knowing 2020 is almost at an end.   I try to stay positive with everything going on. But like everyone else there have been days when I am like I got this. There have also been days when  I have been like how much longer is this going to be? 
It has felt weird not  being able to travel or go to conventions like I have in the past few years. So I hope that sometime in 2021 everything will go back to normal. (Or as normal as it can be.) 
So here's to  Thanksgiving leftovers, Christmas trees being decorated, and Christmas lights being put up reminding us that there is a light at the end of this tunnel. 
Be safe, take care of each other, and ofcourse Happy Holidays! 