Sunday, August 30, 2020

You can't always get what you want...

 Well, another week has come and gone.  I am just trying to stay cool as we continue to get one hundred degree days.  I am still working , going to the gym, and of course seeing friends when possible. 

 August 26th was women's equality day. I am definitely proud of how far we have come .But I still think women have a double edged sword in society. We are told yes we can go out and have careers, even be the CEO of major corporations. But we are still supposed to be the primary care takers at the house. (Ofcourse I realize there are exceptions to this rule. My Uncle Carl was the one who took care of things at home since my Aunt Terry had the better job.)  So if we are working, we are not taking care of things at home, and if we are taking care of things at home we are not working . So it is a forever balancing act. It's something we all struggle with. So to fellow women out there, continue being you , and doing what works best for you.

 This weekend  I ended up catching up with my friend Jenn since she was in town a couple of times. Friday  night we went to Osaka for dinner. Saturday night we had a meal at  The Cheesecake Factory. It was the first time I went to North Star Mall  in months. (When the epidemic started, I had no reason to go there especially since we couldn't for a while.) Some stores can only have a certain amount of people in due to social distancing. When I went to the Disney Store I had to wait a few minutes to get in because they where at capacity. Tonight I am going to watch Bill and Ted 3 with my friends Ian, David, and Jennie.But my meet up made me wonder if things happen or a reason or if everything is just a coincidence. I am forever convinced the universe has  a twisted sense of humor. But the universe also seems to know when you really need something too. I know at the time Jenn and I reconnected, I was in need of my friends.  However I know Jenn had no way of knowing this. Jenn just knew it was my birthday and told me happy birthday which is how we started talking again .  Either way, for whatever reason we reconnected  I am glad it did. You can't always get what you want, but you definitely get what you need. Now I am off to enjoy the tail end of my weekend. 

Take care , be safe, and stay healthy everyone

Sunday, August 23, 2020

Certain uncertainties

 Hello all.

I know it has been a long while since I last blogged . So I will try to make it worth it for everyone. As we all aware 2020 has been a trying year for everyone. I was supposed to go to at least two conventions and shows this year which of course got cancelled because of our current situation. I , like everyone else is wondering how long the epidemic will last. I know it's the not knowing that's the hardest part of all this. I miss the little things like just being able to go meet friends for a meal or coffee , and go to the grocery store without having to wear a mask. But in the mean time , I am still working, and acting like I know what I am doing. 

I remember when I worked at Connexion Point one of my supervisors would always say the only thing constant in life is change.  Little did I know I would learn years later how true that really is.  Of course epidemic or not, change is a part of life. Every year the seasons go from winter to spring, summer, and fall. On our birthdays we become a year older., and hopefully a little bit wiser. 

But I still have got the opportunity to do a couple of things this year. I got to meet Jason David Frank who played Tommy Oliver in the Mighty Morphin Power Ranger series.  I found out he is going to local comic book around Texas to help bring them business. My mom had an event she wanted to attend in Corpus Christi the weekend he happened to be there , and proceeds go to the comic book shop, so I went to see him while he was there. Two birds, one stone. We still had to wear masks, and instead of waiting in line like we normally would, they had us take a number and download an app so we could wait in our car until our number was called. (Ofcourse you can also eat, and look around other stores while waiting.) Once your number was called, you could get in line in the store to meet JDF.  It made me wonder if I should pick up karate again because he still looked good. I also got to catch up with an old friend and we literally just picked up where we left off.

Recent events have made me wonder about the people we allow in our lives. Some are in our lives for a short period of time. Some people are in our lives for a lifetime. Others come in and out of our lives through the years. I guess the one thing I learned lately is no matter how long someone has been a part of our lives, the ones you want to keep are the one who remind you no matter what, there is a light at the end of the tunnel.  Thank you to all who have given me that reminder this year.

Stay safe, stay healthy , and take care  everyone .