Friday, September 20, 2019

To Corpus Christi and back again...

I was expecting this month to be kind of low key. However, I ended up up going on a quick trip this past weekend with my mom. She was registered for "Conquer the Coast." It is a bike ride on Corpus Christi and you can register to ride 10,21, or 66 miles along the coast. My mom of course registered to ride the full 66. Friday we headed up there so mom could get her bib at packet pick up and relaxed at our friend Erick's house. 
We got up at 5 in the morning to make sure mom was at the race on time. While mom raced, we had breakfast with our friend Stephen's daughter Vanessa, and my mom finished even through she cramped up 3 miles from the finish.  After the race, we got lunch, rested, and after dinner with some friends, we where back en route to San Antonio.  Now, it is back to work.  Right now the next two events I have coming up is Texas Renaissance Fest, and Alamo City Comic Con. Then I will be going to Washington for the holidays. So here's to the adventures that lie ahead.
This weekend I am staying put in San Antonio. Tonight, it's movie night for my mom and I. We are going to dinner and to see Brittany runs a marathon in theaters because a friend of hers recommended it.  Lately I have been wondering about family and friends. I wrote a letter to my friend Devi about my time at San Japan. She was saying that I do more with friends than she does. But she has more family .to do things with. During the holidays, she always has someone to make cookies for, or get together for a meal with. Here my mom and I just tend to go to friends houses for the holidays , see a movie, or just spend the day at home. But I guess wether you have  a lot of your biological family in the area, or not , your family are the people who go to conventions with you, wake up with you at 5 am so you can bike ride, and support you no matter what. I am fortunate to have that.

Sunday, September 8, 2019

San Japan 2019

Well everyone, San Japan 2019 has come and gone. Most of the pictures have been posted and the theme for next year-Horror has been released. This year I got to do a few things I didn't get to do at previous conventions. I roomed with my friends Jennie, David, and Ian. We actually all had our own bed to sleep in this year, which can be  rare at anime conventions so , yeah! lol
Here is how my weekend went. Thursday night,  the four of us checked into the hotel. Friday morning after the four of us had breakfast at the hotel , we did a quick photo shoot for David in the hotel lobby because he was dressed as's Captain Obvious. He even had a sign that said "if you can read this, you can read," and I made him one that said " it's on the internet" because , it is on the internet my friends. :0)  Jennie was dressed as Flo from the commercial. Ian was dressed as Setzer from Final Fantasy Six , and I was dressed as Relm from Final Fantasy Six. As soon as we got to the convention we met up with our friends Bethany, Laura ,and Jeremy who where also dressed as Final Fantasy Six characters. Laura was Opera Celes, Bethany was Terra Branford, and Jeremy was Locke. 
After we all met up , we looked around Artist Alley. I tried to find an online comic book artist that a friend of mine in Washington really likes, but to no luck.  Then it was time for ballroom dance lessons. After ballroom dance lessons, Laura, and I got our tickets to the masquerade ball that evening and headed to Rivercenter mall for lunch . Laura ended up treating us all to pizza because it was more worth it to get a whole pizza than individual slices. So, yeah for friends and free pizza at Lucianos.  Then we joined the rest of our friends back at the convention and looked around the dealers room some more. I drove Bethany crazy by pointing out all the Godzilla merchandise I saw. Slowly but surely we made our way to the photo booth so we could get a group photo of all of us in costume.  
Our Final Fantasy 6 group shot. :0)

After that it was time to get ready for the masquerade ball. So I walked back to our room, changed , and walked back. The masquerade is a formal ball they hold at the convention. Formal wear and a mask is required to get in. After dancing for a little bit, I ended the night with playing Cards Against Humanities with my hotel room mates. 
Day 2
Saturday after breakfast Ian and I went to the Zelda meet up  where we got to see Bethany and Jeremy dressed as Link and Bethany was dressed as Zelda :Twilight Princess. If you haven't seen their photos yet, you need to- they look fabulous! 

After the photo session, Ian, Bethany, Jeremy, and I went to see Triforce Quartet perform. If you haven't seen them perform, you need to. They use traditional string instruments ( the violin, violin, violla, and cello) to play video game music. My friend Celine told us about them because she has heard them play before, and I could see why she enjoys their music.  They where entertaining, played beautifully , and it was clear they enjoyed what they do.
Not too long after hearing them play, I had lunch with my friend Selma at the YardHouse. After lunch I learned it really is a small world after all. It turns out Selma met Lorenzo who worked with me at Holiday Inn Club Vacation.  We chatted, ended up in a random dance number right outside Artist Alley because it's not an anime convention unless something like that happens, right? lol After dancing, I caught up with Laura and it turned out she won the hall cosplay contest for her costume, 
Jinmi from Ashes of Love. Not too long after that, Jennie and David said they won the hall cosplay contest for the costumes they wore Friday, Flo and Captain Obvious. So I had not one, not two , but 3 talented friends getting an award for their work at the cosplay show later that night. :0)

Selma let me rest in her hotel room until it was time to get dinner , and  head to the show. After watching Jennie, Laura and David  accept their awards at the cosplay show, Ian and I ended the night playing battleship. Ian bought it as a prop for his Sunday cosplay , But I wanted to play it again for old times sake because it has been years since I played battleship.  Yeah for friends who let you nap in their hotel room, and yeah for friends who give in and play old childhood games with you for old time sake.
Day 3
On the last day of the convention, Ian, David, Jennie, and I started the day with waffles. That happened because Ian , David, and I all felt like having waffles because it was the last day of the convention , and when Jennie saw that we all had waffles, she decided to have one too. ( When in doubt, follow the crowd  right? lol)  After breakfast we got into our Bill and Ted cosplay. I was Ted because I have dark hair, Jennie was Bill because she has curly hair, Ian was Death because he already had a reaper outfit, and David was Billy the Kid. A few people actually knew who we where.

Then we ended up going to the panel Anime in America, took some group photos, and went to a panel on advanced sewing. 
Once the panel was over, we took one last photo , and it was time to leave the convention. As always when an event like that comes to an end, it was good to get home, but sad things had to come to an end at the same time.  Now it's back to work, or pretending to work. 
Shortly before the convention, I got a reminder that the first time I went to San Japan was 7 years ago. I just know it now as the convention where I get to hang out with my friends. Here's to more cons, more cosplays, and many more years of friendship.