Saturday, May 27, 2017

Washington- Day 6&7 and how a Yeti saved a car trip

The temperatures are slowly starting to rise. Spring is slowly turning into summer, and that means schools will be getting out soon, and it will be time for summer vacations!
For me, it still feels like summer is over.  On Monday,  it felt like everyone was at the house.
A lady came over to talk about what to do with the rest of grandma and grandpas stuff. Pretty much she was saying to figure out what we want to keep, what needs to be thrown away, and the rest they can figure out  if it is of any value. After that, dad and I took the dogs to my friend Serena's salon so the dogs could get groomed. After dad and I got back, I ended up looking at some of the tapes on the shelf.  Aunt Terri and I figured out which videos where family videos and which videos where just tv shows and movies grandma recorded.  Then, a real estate guy came  to take a look at the house. He believes it will sell quickly.  While the real estate guy was there, mom and Teddy came into town so we visited with them through dinner.
Tuesday before the memorial, Melanie and I went to Becky's house, and we visited with her until it was time for church.  I was quiet at the church, aside from the usual greeting of family and friends when they arrived.  I cried when Aunt Terri and dad sang "Swing Low, Sweet Chariot," and when the service was over. After having some food in the fellowship hall, mom, Teddy and I took off for Tacoma. After the three of us settled in Teddy's house for the night.
Early the next morning, mom and I boarded our flights to San Antonio. Two planes, and a layover in Denver later, I arrived in San Antonio. After I got back home, I couldn't help but think, I used to love going to Yakima in the summer time growing up because it meant school was out for three months, we had an in ground pool to swim in , and we always went on a trip somewhere.
I realize I was blessed to have grandparents who let me come up and stay with them every summer.  I just hope I am able to continue to make  more cool summer memories as an adult.
Now it's back to work, and running. USAFit will be starting training for the San Antonio marathon now.  As I get back into my routine, I have come to realize  things have a funny way of working out. Mom and I got coffee before our run. The lid was apparently  too big for my coffee cup. Luckily, my moms Yeti happened to be in the car. So I was able to put my  coffee in that instead of having to  worry about having hot coffee all over me.  (Yeah! lol)
Anyway, love you all.

Sunday, May 21, 2017

Washington Day 3,4,&5

Good evening everyone!
Well, it has been a busy few days . Everyday my family and I have gone on some sort of outing.
On the 19th, after getting some errands done, Devi, Melanie and I met up with my family , and we ended up going to Inklings bookshop for the afternoon. We got lost looking at books, and I was good I only bought 4 new books- not 5. (I know, I don't have a problem, do I?) We got coffee at Starbucks, looked around a chocolate shop, and ofcourse slowly but surely started looking through grandma and grandpas stuff.
On the 20th, we went to a 5k at Franklin Park which had a 5k to raise awareness for the Yakima K-9 unit, the Yakima Strong 9K4K9 5K Fun Run and Walk. There people brought their dogs and could walk or run three laps around the perimeter of Franklin Park .  After that ,  I headed back to Melanie's house for dinner. After that night, I am convinced whenever Melanie tries to cook, we should put it on YouTube. She made a chicken and asparagus complete with bread rolls and fruit to eat , and the preparation for all that went smoothly. But when Melanie tried to make our desert- chocolate cake baked in an orange things got crazy. Devi forgot we needed the top halves of the oranges and threw them away. Then we forgot to put the aluminum foil on after we put the cake batter in the orange before we started heating it up. I ended up on the floor laughing. But, despite everything , it still turned out to be a nice and chocolatey desert. :0)
Today, we all ended up going to church.   I cried through most of  the service because the minute I got there , some of the members still remembered me because when I visited grandpa and grandma in the summer, I would go to church there with them. I remember going to vacation bible school there, and enjoying going up and down that big hill the church is built on.  After that my Great Aunt Vikki came to visit for a couple of hours. Then we started going through some pictures, and I saw that grandma kept pictures of Uncle Mike, Aunt Terri, dad and Uncle Richard through the years.  It reminded me of how grandma did a good job of labeling everything.and keeping pictures of everyone. After that , we went to Red Robin for dinner. Now I am back at Melanie's place, relaxing for the night.
I am glad we got a dent in going through some of the boxes.Although, I know we still have a ways to go. I am hoping we at least get it to a point that it won't be too overwhelming after Uncle Mike, Aunt Terri, and I  have to go back home. Over dinner, we talked about what places we would like to travel. It made me long for the days when our schedules could be as open as our hearts instead of being tied down with things like jobs.
But, mostly I am hoping all of us find ways to keep in contact , and see each other every now and then after everything is over.
Love you all

Friday, May 19, 2017

Washington Day 1 &2

Hello! Well it has been a whirlwind of events these past two days.
At 6 a.m. on the 17th I was at the San Antonio Airport boarding a flight to head to Washington.  I had a layover in Dallas, then it was onward to the Sea-Tac Airport. A quick bus ride later, I arrived back in Yakima. The house still looked the same as it always has. Sophie and Megan, our two dogs are still there, greeting everyone as they walk through the door. Uncle Richard and dad are there, along with Uncle Mike, Aunt Terri, and Uncle Carl.
During the day it's easy to stay busy. Today I saw Melanie before she had to go to work. We went to her esthician Patricia since she had an appointment. We sang in her car, and talked for almost the entire appointment. After a quick lunch, it was time for the viewing. Uncle Mike, Richard and I just talked about what we remembered about grandpa for about half an hour, then we headed to Fred Myers. There, Uncle Richard got a new shirt, and pair of pants. After Fred Myers, we went to Safeway to get some groceries, and  shortly after we got back to the house, Aunt Terri and Uncle Carl arrived.
I guess what I have learned so far is the memories you have with everyone never really go away. I noticed Melanie still has a picture of her and I in her room when we went to Leavenworth when we where still going to school.  Another friend of mine that I recently reconnected with, reminded me they still remember hanging out when we where younger back in the day.
I also got a reminder to continue to try new things. My dad took me to the shooting range before dinner tonight. I didn't think I would do very well, but I managed to hit a bulleye before the night ended. So you never know what you can do until you try.
Love you all

Friday, May 12, 2017

Change really is the only thing constant in life...

after all the miles you put on the road here, you finally made it to the big R.V. park in the sky. I still remember the first time I went to visit you and grandma for the summer  when I was 6 ,I threw up most of the way home after I got off the plane. Even after that, I still got to come back summer after summer growing up. During those times we got to see places like Mt. St. Helens, the Washington coast, the Oregon coast, and that is just a handful of the miles we've got to travel together.
It's because of you and grandma I got to meet and get to know some of my relatives here. It's because of you and grandma we all had an in ground pool to swim in the summertime.
No matter where the road of life took me, or anyone else in your life, you always loved and accepted us for who we were. If there's one thing I take from you, I hope it's that as I continue my own journey on the road of life.
Love always,
Little Donna

Saturday, May 6, 2017

World Vision 6k water run

I don't think I will ever complain about my life again. (Well, out loud anyway.)
Today I participated in the World Vision 6K water run.
After you register on the site, you get a t-shirt , bib, and finisher medal . You can either run on your own, or find a host site, run/walk, and post your pictures afterward.   The money goes toward making sure the child you're introduced to on your bib has access to clean water, and you can continue that relationship by officially becoming a sponsor, so they can have an education.
The one thing that really stuck in my mind is picturing the kids on  our bibs having to carry 5 gallons of  water ( and not even clean water) the distance I just ran.  I told Irene if I had to carry water, even at 31 it would take me forever and a day to carry it that distance. Lorena said the kids who usually end up having to carry water are usually home and because of that they aren't able to get an education, therefore keeping them in that cycle.
I obviously haven't personally met the kid on my bib, but I believe everyone should have access to things like water, and an education.  If my run helped with this, it was definitely worth getting up on a Saturday morning for.

Friday, May 5, 2017

Where does the time go?

Happy Cinco De Mayo everyone!
Have you ever had a moment that made you wonder how time went by so fast? My moment came last night.
Last night,I ended up catching up with a friend I would hang out with when I would go to Washington to see my grandparents . I still remember having to over to swim in the pool in my grandparents backyard, and going to Skateland with her back in the day when it was a big deal for a guy to ask you to couples skate with them. Now she has a job, kids , and will be getting married soon.
 As for me, I have no kids, but I work, pretend to run, and pretend I know what I am doing when it comes to well, everything that has to do with being an adult.
I think it really does show that life goes by quicker than you think it will. I was blessed to have a childhood where I could play with my friends until the sun dipped into the horizon.  I remember wanting to be old enough to work so I could actually buy what I want when I want. Now, with a full time job, I long for the days when my schedule was more open. That is a task I am still working on. I  I tend to get caught up in work, what I need to get done, or just resting  since I don't really get to sleep in. The one thing I'm slowly learning is as you get older, you have to make time for things like friends, and family.
After all, like like they say in Ferris Buellers Day Off "life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it."
Love you all