While working, or pretending to work, my friend Perry has said I am still a kid. I can't blame the man for saying that considering he has seen me play with inflatable dice before. (But, of course it was strictly for business purposes.) I don't know how many times I have introduced him to people as "Perry the Platypus," a pet platypus/secret agent on the Disney cartoon "Phineas and Ferb." (Again, strictly for business purposes.) With my job, I need to be energetic, outgoing, and inviting, or no one would make any money. But, even off the clock I know I can still be child like. I still enjoy playing scrabble with friends, swimming,dancing, roller coaster rides, and I still hate having to pay for things like gas and my student loan payments. Plus, I am single and don't have any children yet, so I don't have any of the responsibilities that come with that. I just have a cat who thinks she needs Temptations all the time.
I know my child like nature is part of my charm. I also know I am 26, and I need to be able to take care of myself. ( My mom constantly reminds me about that.) So, is my child like nature my way of rebelling against my mother because she's always telling me I need to grow up? Is it because I am enjoying being single and unattached while I am? I don't know, maybe it's a combination of both.
Or, maybe it's like what my choir teacher in high school said- we all have a mature side and immature side.
Even though I am a silly person, I can talk about anything, I still show up to work on time, my co workers know I do what I am being paid to do (or, make them think so anyway lol), I managed to get a bachelors degree, and I learned recently I can at least run/jog two miles on the treadmill even after pulling a shift in the hot Texas sun.
I think all it means is I am a person just like anyone else. I have good qualities, bad qualities, and I will have failures, as well as successes as I continue on the road of life. I just hope whatever happens, I will continue to have lots of laughs and stories.