Friday, September 28, 2012
Phillipines-Day 11 and 12
Well, the trip is now over. After 18 hours and stopovers in Tokyo Japan, San Fransico, California, Huston, Texas-, and Austin, Texas- I am back in San Antonio, Texas. Linda and mom are chit chatting in the other room.
I am just debating if I want to start unpacking now, or wait until tomorrow, and thinking about my time there. Here's what happened my last two days abroad.
Day 11
At breakfast my Aunt Pinky made me cry because she said they have been waiting 27 years to finally meet me and that if I came sooner I would have been able to play with all my cousins there, and she also said I am welcome in the Philippines anytime.
I ended up going with Aunt Pinky to her store. She did a little bit of office work there, and got my mom coffee and drinks for us to take home. When we got back to Aunt Pinky’s house, we took last minute photos of everyone, and then Aunt Evee, my cousin Brian, Linda, and I made the the 8 hour drive to Manila. We didn't even get into our hotel until around midnight.
Day 12
After coffee in our hotel room, and a quick breakfast, we went to the Mall of Asia to go shopping! I got a luggage tag with my name on it, souvenirs for friends, 2 new pairs of shoes, and a thermos that said "Starbucks Philippines" on it. While we were there, we met up with my cousin Jason and Princess. Jason joked around and said if I stayed another week, he would get me a boyfriend there. loll After dinner, we all went clubbing at Palladium! At first it didn't seem like there was really anywhere to dance. I saw of dancers onstage, and a lot of people sitting around talking and drinking- like at a club here in the U.S. But as more alcohol got into everyone’s system, the dancing picked up. I even got to dance onstage twice! It was a fun way to say goodbye to the Philippines for now. After dancing and drinking, we got food to sober up, and made it back to the hotel at 3:40 in the morning. We all slept for an hour and a half, and at 6 am we headed to the airport. During the flight, I wondered why I had to have relatives that lived so far away.
But, like Aunt Evee said, I can always come back.
Tuesday, September 25, 2012
Phillipines- Day 9&10
I am not getting spoiled here am I? Yesterday after breakfast, I got a manicure and pedicure. First my family had a lady come over to th the house to clip and fix our nails. Then my Aunt Evee put nail art on me. Then, I got a haircut. My hair is still straight because they flatironed my hair while I at the salon. Then everyone in my family had a discussion after dinner over some things that need to be taken care of before mom went back to the states.
Today we went to the river where I got so wade in the water, and mom said she remembers when her dad used to take everyone there when she was younger. Then we went back to my Aunt Evee's store. We got some more souvenirs for us, and for some people back home. Later on in the evening, after dinner most of our relatives came over to say good bye to me, mom and Linda since it is our last day in Daet.
Tomorrow Linda, mom, and I will be traveling back to Manila, and will be staying there until Friday when we have to go back to our states. It just occurred to me at this time next week I will be back in Texas working, or pretending to work- however you look at it.
I am a little sad my time here is starting to come to an end. I have to admit I wasn't sure how I would feel at this point. On the plane ride here I was more wondering how it was going to go. The only thing I really wish I could change are my allergies. I always had to make sure I took clariton and had tissues on hand. But, despite that it's turned out to be a really cool trip so far.
Sunday, September 23, 2012
Phillipines - days 4,5, 6 ,7, and 8
Sorry it took so long to write again. I went on an unexpected road trip for a few days. So here's a quick recap of what has been happening.
Day 4
Mom, Linda, and I went weight boarding at the CWC resort in Camsur. Mom and Linda managed to make it across the beginner’s pool. I managed to get halfway across before I fell off. Of course, after teaching us how to weight board, our instructor just went across the pool 3 times like it's no big deal. Then I met my cousin Pam. I can tell if she lived in the states, or if I lived here, we would hang out all the time. She's really cool, and has the nicest personality. After the meet and greet, we had to go to S&M to buy clothes because we weren't told to pack clothes, or that we were going to be away from Aunt Pinky's house - where our luggage is for the next few days. Then we headed on over to my great Aunt Mary Roses's house. There we ended up singing karaoke, and dancing for the rest of the night. They just happened to have a karaoke machine that can also play dance music ,and dance lights. It makes me wonder how often they use it when they do not have a quirky American to entertain.
Day 5
I woke up at 4 am to go to Caramoan to go island hopping. Apparently they taped a season of Survivor there. I can see why. With the white sand, and blue water, it is what you think of when you think of a desert island. I almost started humming the theme song from "Gilligan’s Island." Seeing the coral in the water made fighting my allergies, and getting up early worth it. I also learned that boatman will take pity on you if you say you're hungry. My mom was saying she was hungry for about an hour, even while Aunt Pinky was going to get food to be prepared for dinner that night. To help curb my mom’s appetite, our boatman gave her the two pieces of bread he brought with him for his lunch. I dubbed the bread he gave mom "boatmen’s bread." Later that night, soda exploded at the lodge we were staying at from being shook up all day.
Day 6
We went ATV riding! That was so much fun. I think the last time I did that was when I was in Wisconsin. But this time I got to drive it! I loved it when my guide told me to go faster. *hehe* After that, since they had a place to zip line there, mom decided she wanted to go zip lining. She took off first, excited, like it was nothing. I went up there and I turned white.
Seriously I didn't want to go because all I saw was how far up we were, and how bad I could fall if something happened. So I let Linda, Aunt Evee and Aunt Pinky go ahead of me. After five more minutes of deliberating if I wanted to go or not, I went. It was fun. Then my Aunt Jo took her turn. Then we checked into the Hotel Venezia, and settled in for the night.
Day 7
We had breakfast at the hotel. Then we went to Misibis Bay, a luxury island resort for most of the day. We started off with being greeted with Polynesian dancers who put a necklace around us, and we all got a complementary glass of lemon juice. After that we went canoeing and paddle boarding. Then we went snorkeling where I got to see some of the most beautiful coral I have ever seen. I didn't want to leave. I just wanted to keep on swimming looking at the coral and the fish swimming by me. After lunch we went zip lining. I wasn't afraid this time. After my Aunt Pinky went, she said it was "ordinary " now. Then we went on an eco-tour where we saw a cathedral with two really huge chandeliers overlooking the ocean that people can get married in. We also saw an amphitheater which was pretty cool. Then we all went for a swim. My mom called the pool an "endless beach" because you can see the ocean from the pool. I didn't want to leave. I mean I was in a pool in a luxury resort in the Philippines- how much better can it get? But of course all good things must eventually come to an end.
After drying off, we left the resort and stopped in Kawa-Kawa to see the 12 Stations of the Cross. But we saw station 1, 2, 3 and4. After that we got lost direction and saw station 12, 10 and 11. We tried to find the other stations, but it was after dark and the trail wasn't clearly marked, so we just went back to the car. I just joked around and said looking for religious statues after dark in the Philippines sounds like something out of the Da Vinci Code- minus the race against time. We spent the night in Naga at Mary Rose's place again.
Day 8
Today we went to a hot spring not too far from Naga and visited my great grandmother’s grave.
Then we headed back to Daet, where Aunt Pinky lives. (On the way home, a soda bottle ended up exploding on Aunt Jo. Ha ha! lol) I was so relieved because now all the clothes I packed are there and that meant an evening where I didn't have to look at something, or sit around in a van to get somewhere. After we got settled in, I saw all the clothes I got from Aunt Evee's boutique. We put them in my luggage, and it nearly takes up all the space. I couldn't believe I have to go back to my life in the states after they have been nothing short but kind and generous since I stepped foot in the Phillipines. I wondered why I have to have relatives that live so far away I have to take an 18 hour flight just to see them. It's been a blast getting to know them so far. Tonight, mom, Linda, Aunt Evee, and I went for a walk on the beach, and while we were there, Aunt Evee talked about how she is in love with a guy even though she knows he is married. Whenever she talks about this guy, she always has this big smile on her face, and sighs a little. It also reminded of how my friend Melanie is whenever she talks about Dustin. It's cute. I have to admit though, it is surprising hearing a woman who used to be a model talking about unrequited love, especially after she said other guys have wanted her, but she only wants the one that is married, or someone she is really in love with that loves her. I guess it goes to show you we're all looking for something.
I also learned that mom's family had a hard time keeping a housekeeper growing up because they would play pranks on them. For example, Aunt Pinky remembers tying one up just because she was asleep. Another time they had a housekeeper who has really nice, long, hair, and one of them cut it. At one point no one wanted to work for them because of that, so they had to help out with chores. Right now, part of me is thinking ok, I drank water from a coconut, rode a horse and buggy to the beach, and ate squid- I am ready to go back to the states. But, I suppose one more week on the island never hurt anyone.
Tuesday, September 18, 2012
Phillipines-Day 3
Well, if I don't make it back to the states, it's because I ate too many fried bananas while I am up here.I forgot how good they where until I had them for breakfast today. *Is still drooling like Homer Simpson.* Seriously, I could eat those for the rest of my time here, and I would be as happy as a clam.
Today was family day. Mom and Aunt Jo got all the gifts mom, Linda , and I brought up there, and figured out who was getting what. Note: it is hard to shop for cousins when you don't know how many you have,how old they are, what they like or anything. It is also hard to shop for aunts when one already owns their own store, and another one who already owns her own boutique.
Anyway, after our gifts where distributed and given away, we where supposed to go to the beach, however we ended up spending most of the evening in my Aunt Evees boutique shop, where my mom and I tried on clothes to take home since it rained. After that, I learned that they really know how to make things happen here. We where talking about going out to sing kareoke and drink margaritas. But since we have to get up in the morning, we decided to do it at the house. Next thing I knew my Uncle Jerad was bringing over huge speakers, a stereo system and a playlist of 1,000 + songs. Then they ordered margaritas, and put it in the right glasses, and put margarita salt around the glass like they do in restaurants, and it was excellent!
I swear my moms sisters could rule the world if they wanted. But it's their time to. My grandparents here aren't in the best condition. My grandma recently had a stroke. My grandfather can't really walk now, so he hires a guy to drive him around in a motorcycle with the name of his factory "Golden Egg" on it since noone will let him drive anymore. So, he just spends most of his time cruising on his motorcycle now. It feels weird seeing them like that because my grand mother used to be able to do calculations in her head, and she can't like she used to. Ofcourse last time I saw my grandfather , he still could walk, didn't have the gray hair, but ofcourse he was stil just as stubborn.
However, seeing Linda here with my mom makes me wish I had a friend that had the time and money to come up here. But,I get it. When you are in your twenties, you may or may not have the money and time to do these sorts of trips. But sometime in the future, it would be nice. I definitely plan to come back here to visit at least one more time during my life time.
Anyway it is time to turn in. Until next time- peace, love, and I miss you all!
Monday, September 17, 2012
Phillipines Day 1 and 2
Well, a hop, skip, and a layover in San Francisco, Hawaii, and Guam later, I somehow made it to the Philippines. It was the longest plane ride I have ever taken. I am wondering how people who do this for a living handle it. On the way there, I was cranky, tired, and in Guam I lost track of what day it was. Even now, I am still adjusting to the humidity, and time difference. My Aunt Jovana is the one who made our itinerary, my mom is taking pictures like a Japanese tourist, and I think I am going to gain at least ten pounds from all the food I've been trying. Lol. But everyone here has been nothing short of welcoming so far.
After we arrived at the Manila airport, the first place my Aunt Pinky and Jovana took us was a 24 hour spa. There we got to eat, have a full body massage, and we ended up hanging out there until 5 in the morning. I fell asleep while I was there. Mom said she could hear me snore, and I learned that in America, I am not known for my tipping. However, abroad I am apparently a very generous tipper. Linda, (my mom’s friend) and I left the ladies who gave us a massage ten American dollars each as a tip. It wasn't until afterward we learned that ten American dollars for them is a very, very generous tip. After the spa, we went to Pajsangan falls. There we rode in a canoe literally through a waterfall. It was when I got to see my Aunt Pinky’s adventurous side. She was the one who was going "one more time" after we went through the falls, and we did get to go through it again- yeah! lol
After drying off, we had lunch at this place called Exotic Restaurant. There, they have a peacock for display, and a huge, fat snake which scared the daylights out of me. Our food was served on a banana leaf. I learned my palette is not that exotic. I liked the chicken more than the snake that was served. After that, we made the 6 hour car ride back to Aunt Pinky’s place in Daet, Camarinez Norte. On the way there, we stopped at some religious shrine where we got to see statues of Adam and Eve, Noah’s Ark, and you can attempt to make an over 100 step climb to the top of a hill where there is the biggest statue of Jesus Christ I have ever seen. After we got finally got to Aunt Pinky’s place, we unpacked, ate dinner, and now everyone is starting to turn in for the night. Tomorrow we are going to see my grandparents here before breakfast, and if the weather is nice, we will be going to the beach. This vacation has reminded me that my mom and I have opposite views of vacation. My mom still likes to get up, and see everything she can. I'm the kind that's happy with some music, a beach to lay on for the day, some music to listen to, and a cute cabana boy. But, I learned I have very interesting relatives here. All my mom’s sisters are really well established and respected here, and one of the first things my cousin Jason asked me was how many boyfriends do I want when I told him I was single, and he asked about my single American girl friends. So, just by that, I can tell it is going to be an interesting trip.
Wednesday, September 12, 2012
Phillipines, here I come!
I can already tell I am a cross between my mom and dad. Like my dad, I love games, sleeping in, and cartoons. Like my mom, I like going to dance class at the gym, and swimming. The one thing they both gave me is the travel bug. This coming Saturday I will be on a plane to the Phillipines. I will be there until the 28th of September. It's been hard to work all week because my mind is already on vacation. I am already wondering what the beaches there will be like, what the food will taste like, what I am going to see-ect.
I think my trip is coming at a good time though. It seems like I'm not working hard enough because I am still working on overcoming objections at work. At home, it seems like I am not cleaning or working out enough. If being an adult is a balancing act, then I am not doing a really good job.
Plus, I have never really met my family up there. I met my grandparents on my moms side once when I was in elementary school. My mom said I used to never admit I was part filipino until I realized that anime and being asian was in. I think it's because I really didn't know much about the culture or what it meant. I would just see mom cooking lumpia or pansit and I would wonder why we couldn'teat what other kids where eating for dinner.
On the other hand, I have lived with my grandparents on my dads side. I know my uncles and aunt, as well as other relatives. But that is because they live in the U.S. So, it's not quite as expensive to see them.
At this point, we have gifts bought for everyone, and some of our clothes packed. Jenn O is going to make sure Silver gets her temptations fix while mom and I are away. Mom is in her we need to get everything cleaned up before we leave mode. The only thing I am wondering about is if I am going to be handle the eighteen hour plane ride. I hate sitting for long periods of time. But that's what sleeping and seasons of Supernatural and Magic Knights to watch are for. If I do anything wrong while I am abroad,I hope they realize I am just an American whose mom happended to be born there. I will share my misadventures here and on facebook.
So stay tuned!
Tuesday, September 4, 2012
Two months...
Sunday night, I received a text from a guy I went on one date with a couple of months ago asking me to come over after I got off work at nine in the evening. I love late night chats, and visits with people. But I wasn't exactly going to do an impromptu late night get together with a man I haven't even heard from in two months.
So I just went home from work as I usually do. As I relaxed, I couldn't help but wonder- whatever happened to romance? I understand schedules and obligations make it hard to meet up like we would all like to at times. However, the word busy is the weapon of mass destruction in any relationship. It sounds legitimate because we all have things to do. But, even the President of the United States still makes time for his family. Plus, I still dream of going out , and hearing - I just want to be with you. Not just come to my place after work. In a world where we all have a million things to do, I want the one who can't wait to see me again. Not the one who takes two months to send me a text.
Saturday, July 21, 2012
Being #1
Every Thursday, I have to go to a weekly staff meeting at 9:30 in the morning.
At one of our meetings, our director said the girl who is #1 in the company is the kind of person that if she where to find out someone pulled ahead of her, she would try to get back in the lead, and stay #1.
As for me I am the total opposite. I'm the kind of person that goes okay, lets do our best, and see what we can do, not I have to be the best. With that attitude, I did pretty good at one job in the company I work for. But, I am still learning how to do well at my new job there.
According to Shakespeare, "all the world's a stage." If that's the case, why is it some people always need the lead role? Yes, as humans , we all want to be seen and heard. But, throughout our life, we will play many roles. Daughter, classmate, girlfriend, friend, granddaughter, wife,employee,ect. Sometimes we will be the star of the show, and sometimes we will be the person who only has one line.
After all, like Miley Cyrus sings - "There's always gonna be another mountain
I'm always gonna wanna make it move. Always gonna be a uphill battle
Sometimes I'm gonna have to lose."
Meaning, there's always going to be someone richer, smarter,prettier-ect.
So maybe it's not about being number one. Maybe it's about being the best you can be.
Sunday, June 10, 2012
Finding our own spotlight

Wednesday, June 6, 2012
So long, so gone...

Tuesday, May 29, 2012
Still a kid...

Tuesday, April 3, 2012
Forty pound mark
I know it's been a while. Between working and working out, I've been busy. I'm 43 pounds lighter then I was in November. It feels good knowing I have accomplished that. I'm still in a love/hate relationship with people knowing I work out. It's great when I can tell people I lost weight. (I lost another two pounds - what what! LOL) But when I first started I was afraid to admit I started going to a gym. (a. I only have a gym membership because my mom signed me up. (b. I was afraid what people would think if I slipped up. I am only human, meaning I know I will make many mistakes .If weight loss where easy, there wouldn't be so many people struggling with their weight, and we wouldn't be bombarded with commercials trying to sell another powder or machine that promises quick results. Plus, I know when someone says they are going to try and lose weight, everyone else is supportive, but, proably also wondering how long they can really stick to it.
I didn't even know if I would even reach this point because I know I'm not one of those people that have to exercise all the time. On my days off, I still like to sleep in, and watch a movie on netflix. But, I also want to be healthy, so I decided to at least try. I figured no matter what happened, it will only help me. Yes, from the end of November to the end of January I had a trainer,which of course gave me a good start. But after my time with a trainer was up, I really didn't know what to do. I don't like working out by myself. If I go on the eliptical or machine like that, I will be more interested in what is on t.v. then working out. So, I started going to the classes there, and I just keep going when I can. That's how I found out losing weight is alot like going to school. You don't get a high school diploma or college degree by going to one class. You get a high school diploma or college degree after four years of studying and going to class. Just like, you don't lose weight by working out and eating right for one day. It takes time when you start working out and dieting to finally see results. All you can do is just keep working out, eating right, and taking things "one step at a time." But once those results come in, you know it was worth all the hard work, and all the instructors ask in return is for you to sign the book at the end of in October 2011. I am the one in blue.
Me today.
I didn't even know if I would even reach this point because I know I'm not one of those people that have to exercise all the time. On my days off, I still like to sleep in, and watch a movie on netflix. But, I also want to be healthy, so I decided to at least try. I figured no matter what happened, it will only help me. Yes, from the end of November to the end of January I had a trainer,which of course gave me a good start. But after my time with a trainer was up, I really didn't know what to do. I don't like working out by myself. If I go on the eliptical or machine like that, I will be more interested in what is on t.v. then working out. So, I started going to the classes there, and I just keep going when I can. That's how I found out losing weight is alot like going to school. You don't get a high school diploma or college degree by going to one class. You get a high school diploma or college degree after four years of studying and going to class. Just like, you don't lose weight by working out and eating right for one day. It takes time when you start working out and dieting to finally see results. All you can do is just keep working out, eating right, and taking things "one step at a time." But once those results come in, you know it was worth all the hard work, and all the instructors ask in return is for you to sign the book at the end of in October 2011. I am the one in blue.
Me today.
Tuesday, February 21, 2012
Not a bad decision after all...
2012 is now upon us. It's the time of year when we've just paid off what we spent over the holidays, and on Valentines Day.
I have often wondered if moving back to Texas was the best decision.
I am glad I've come to come back , see how much my mom , and friends have grown, and continue to be a part of their lives. This is the second year my mom has qualified to run in the Boston Marathon. Jenn Oler is moving into an apartment on her own this time- no room mates this coming March. Jenn Hoy-Lopez is happily married now and has an adorable baby named Persephone, and is graduating soon. Laura is still as smart as ever. I still wonder if there is anything she can't do. (Seriously she knows computers, can sing,dance,and sew.) Carrie is planning to move out of her parents place this summer. Amber is remarried, working and is renting a house now. All of them have been nothing short of kind and generous since my return here.
Jenn Oler was the one who picked me up from the airport, let me tag along with her to a festival, and has been nothing but supportive in all my endeavors despite me being... me. Laura gladly patched up the rose on a red shirt I got here when it was starting to fall off, and my purse when the strap came off. Amber and Jenn Hoy-Lopez have made it crystal clear I am always welcome in their homes. Carrie gave me a ride to work when I needed it , and willingly took me to get my car title changed in my name without complaint, on top of and dying my hair so I can continue to look good.( My friends Carrie has a knack for making anyone look good. If you need fashion, makeup or your hair done- she is the person to talk to. :0))
But generosity aside,I still feel lost in the shuffle sometimes because my mom and friends here all have lives of their own now, and I am still working on getting a life of my own here. I know if I where in Washington I would still have my job there, I would still be seeing my family and friends there on a daily basis, and have cable t.v. I would have been able to go to Canada with Melanie and the Hartmann family, and have a place to go every Friday night. Here on most Friday nights, I am at home on looking for a movie to watch. I also feel like I am back in high school sometimes because some problems here haven't gone away. I feel like my mom and I are still as different as night and day sometimes because she's a day person, and I'm a night person.
But, I have learned I am stronger than I thought. I've managed to lose at least 26 pounds since I got back here. My mom, as most already know runs marathons, and my family in Washington is not known for being physically fit, and I just decided that I want to find a healthy medium. I don't dream of running a marathon, but I don't want to be obese either. At first I didn't think I could do this because I know how I am. I am like Garfield the Cat. I like sleeping, annoying people, and a good plate of lasagna. But now that I've passed the twenty pound mark, I think maybe I can do this after all.
As icing on the cake, I saved up enough so I could buy a car. It's a silver 98 four door mercury saber. So now my cat Silver has a silver car to leave pawprints on- woo hoo! lol Oh yeah, and I have a car so I can practice driving now , so I can finally get my license. So, maybe coming back here wasn't such a bad decision after all. It's given me the opportunity to see how strong I really am. I just hope I can continue to rise to any challenges that come my way.
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