I swear my mind has an internal DVD player sometimes. When ever a relationship has gone sour I always go into rewind mode wondering what it was that I did or said that caused things to go that way.
I over analyze things with my friends. I also go to google to see what they have to say about it so I can get some peace of mind and sleep at night. After that I try to move on. But for some reason I always seem to want to go back and replay everything, making me feel like my mind is a never ending game of pong.
I know I tend to do this because I'm afraid I was the one that butchered everything. God knows I have many flaws. I'm not going to list them all here. But I know I have them. As icing on the cake, I know I am the common denominator in all my failed relationships. (I knew there was a reason I never liked math.)
But like Hannah Montana says, "Nobody's Perfect" and after being critiqued many times personally and professionally, I have come to realize our hardest critic will always be ourselves. Sometimes you just have to say things didn't work out and let them go. Love is more than just an emotion, it's a choice. Meaning, a relationship isn't going to work unless both people want it to work.
Also when it comes to love we're only looking for one person to make a relationship work with. So perhaps the old saying if they come back they're yours to keep and if they don't they where never yours to begin with has some truth to it. Here's to making mistakes, but somehow getting it right in the end.